US, Iran, Israel, Hamas
End-Time Crises
End Time drama continues to unfold, a pseudo apocalyptic Messianic
scenario involving Iran, Israel and the US has moved to center
stage. According to the London Times, Iran’s new president, Mr.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is no ordinary Islamic firebrand, mouthing
threats for Israel—to “be wiped off the map”—and veiled
threats to the US if it attempts to prevent Iran from developing a
nuclear arsenal.
makes Mr. Ahmadinejad’s Islamic piety so ominous is his devotion
to the Hidden Imam or Mahdi, the Messianic-like figure of Shi’a
Islam. Mr. Ahmadinejad believes that his government must prepare
Iran for the Mahdi’s return. The Mahdi is believed to have gone
into “occlusion” in the ninth century at the age of five. His
return is to be preceded by cosmic chaos, war and bloodshed. After
a cataclysmic confrontation with evil and darkness, the Mahdi will
lead the world into an era of universal peace. Mr. Ahmadinejad
believes the return of the Mahdi will come within the next two
years, and he will rule for seven years.

worry that Iran’s president actually relishes a clash with the
West in the conviction that it would rekindle the spirit of the
Islamic revolution and speed up the arrival of the Hidden Imam.
Weak Say I am Strong.”
3:10, “Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks
into spears: let the weak say, I am strong,” is being fulfilled
by an apocalyptic Iran intimidating the Western world. There is no
bigotry like religious bigotry, and no fanaticism like religious
fanaticism. What makes the time element of this scenario so
imminently threatening is that Iran, by the middle of March, will
have produced enough enriched uranium to manufacture a nuclear
arsenal. Of course Iran claims her nuclear program is only for
electrical energy. However, Iran already has the missiles to
deliver nuclear warheads.
permanent members of the Security Council, US, England, France,
Russia and China, have agreed to haul Iran before their powerful
body to settle the disputed nuclear program. UN sanctions took
seven years before Libya’s Khadafi surrendered his nuclear
program. Russia and China, close allies and trading partners of
Iran, could purposely delay or veto UN sanctions against Iran.
China is the number one oil and gas importer from Iran. The two
countries are bound by energy deals reaching a total value of $120
billion and growing. While the US and EU are forging diplomatic
strategy to halt Iran’s nuclear program, China signed its
largest energy deal yet with Iran and promised to block any veto
attempts by the UN.
UN sanctions fail, the US has threatened to bomb Iran’s nuclear
site. Also Israel has its own plans. IDF pilots have completed
their training for Israeli attacks on Iran, the British Sunday
Times reported. The article stated that Israel’s elite 69th
Squadron of F-15Is have been equipped with weapons that will be
tested in combat for the first time and two missile submarines are
on standby, one in the Persian Gulf and the second in the Haifa
Bay. The Times also stated that IDF ground forces would be flown
by helicopter into Iran to take out targets that could not be
destroyed by air strikes. Iran’s nuclear facilities are
reportedly dispersed at some forty underground sites throughout
Iran. A former IDF chief of staff has stated that Israel can
handle this mission.
the apocalyptic Messianic response. The commander in chief of
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said, “If we come under military
attack, we will respond with our very effective missile
defense.” Military experts say Iran’s Shahab-3 missiles have a
range of about 1,250 miles, implying Israel, US bases in Iraq, and
foreign troops in Iraq lie within striking distance. An Iranian
leader said, “If you think its bad now in Iraq, imagine 6,000
Iranian revolutionary guards and intelligence agents joining the
diplomatic sources said that Iran recently completed its largest
military exercise in years. The military conducted an air and sea
exercise designed to test capabilities to strike US and Arab
targets throughout the Persian Gulf. “This exercise was meant to
show the West that Iran could stop all oil shipments to the Gulf
and destroy numerous oil facilities in Arab countries that the US
and Western powers are dependent on.”
Will President Ahmadinejad pursue his Islamic
Messiah quest at any cost? Only time will tell.

Time Prophecies Heating Up in Israel.
Iran attempts to play out Islamic apocalyptic Messianism, a
biblical apocalyptic scenario is unfolding in Israel. We are
living in the End Time and Israel is a major focal point of End
Time prophecy. The new Israeli State is a miracle of history
prophesied in our Bible.
return of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland (Jer.
16:14,15; 30:10); its reclamation of wasteland to grow incredible
bounties of fruit and vegetables (Amos 9:14); climatic changes
(Zech. 8:11,12; Joel 2:21-23); and the capture of biblical
Jerusalem (Zech. 12:2,5) were prophesied. Israel’s boundaries,
which include the Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank, were
foretold (Gen. 15:18-21; Mic. 7:14; Zeph. 2:7; Zech. 10:9,10).
about 1878 returning Jews engineered a network of cities, produced
unparalleled agriculture and created valuable industries,
interconnected by highways and exporting facilities--unheard of
and undreamt of in the surrounding Arab countries. Arabs by the
tens of thousands poured into the Land of Israel to tap into this
newly developing vibrant economic enterprise until 1948, the year
Israel by UN decree declared itself an independent state. Even
President Roosevelt in the 1940s observed that the massive influx
of Arabs was stimulated by the economic benefits of the dynamic
Jewish enterprise.
course the new Israeli State, like most nations, enforced strict
immigration laws for all but the Jews. Remember, the Arab nations
banned Jews from immigrating and living in their Arab lands. Some,
like Saudi Arabia, even refuse to let Jews visit. During
Israel’s War of Independence when the armies of six Arab nations
marched against Israel threatening “to push the Jews into the
sea,” the majority of Arabs in Israel fled mainly to Jordan and
Arab nations of Jordan and Egypt captured the so-called “West
Bank” and Gaza respectively in the 1948 war. They herded the
refugees in squalid camps in the “West Bank” and Gaza. With a
higher birth rate than any people in the world, their population
grew rapidly. In the 1967 war when Israel rightly acquired their
ancient territories of Samaria and Judea (“West Bank” and
Gaza), they also inherited the Arabs who had chosen to leave
Israel in the 1948 war and were now living in the Refugee Camps
established by Jordan and Egypt.
provided their newly acquired Arab wards with conveniences,
utilities, health care, and university education unheard of under
the Jordanian and Egyptian administrations. Under Jordan and
Egypt, unemployment had reached 83% in some areas. Israel
permitted the Arab Refugees to come into Israel proper to work.
Unemployment decreased to 1% in 1985. But rumblings were
increasingly heard since the early 1970s.
agents of Arafat sowed the seeds of revolt, especially among the
youth in Gaza and the “West Bank.” Finally a majority agreed
to rally under the banner of a Palestinian identity instead of an
Arab identity. Using the weapon of terrorism, Arafat demanded all
the land of Israel for a Palestinian State. Then for tactical
reasons, the territorial demands seemingly shrunk to only a
Palestinian State on the “West Bank” and Gaza. Yet in
Arafat’s speeches to his people, he still promised all the land
of Israel for a Palestinian State.
do the US and nations of Europe demand a Palestinian State in the
“West Bank” and Gaza? It’s very simple. Without Arab oil the
US and Europe would quickly bankrupt. If they do not demand a
Palestinian State from Israel, their Arab oil will be cut off.
Therefore, the US and Europe back two states, Palestinian and
Jewish, in the one land Israel.
1989 an Islamic fundamentalist party named Hamas began to wage an
unprecedented war of terror. They demanded a Palestinian State in
all of the land of Israel. With the death of Arafat, Hamas grew in
popularity among Palestinians. In a recent election of the
so-called Palestinian people, Hamas overwhelmingly defeated the
PLO. At this writing, Israel refuses to negotiate peace with Hamas
unless it stops terrorism and recognizes Israel’s right to exist
as a state. The US and Europe refuse to donate millions of dollars
to the Palestinian Authority until Hamas renounces terrorism and
recognizes Israel’s right as a nation.
Hamas will resolve this problem and move on with
the big picture. The big picture is that the Palestinians won the
war of terrorism. Consequently, the candidates of the three major
parties running in Israel’s next election in March are for the
first time committed to a Palestinian State in Gaza and most of
the “West Bank.” Yes, this is sad. But what man proposes, God
disposes. Probably at some point terrorism waged against the then
truncated Israel will erupt into a war with other Arab nations.

it plays out, the Bible indicates there will be a future
Arab-Israeli war before the tribulation is completed. Israel will
regain Gaza, all of the “West Bank” and all of Golan Heights.
In addition, Israel will acquire at least the western part of
Jordan, the southern part of Lebanon, and perhaps part of Syria.
Closely related time-wise to this war will begin a massive
immigration of Jews from the US, Europe and the former Soviet
Republic that will solve the demographic problem of the Jewish
State once and for all.