And God Cried
This treatise considers the scriptures that
reveal the tenderness of God’s fatherly love as He shares
the suffering of His children. The question, Why does God
permit evil?, is scripturally answered, ending with the
wonderful promise that evil will come to an end during God’s
Kingdom on earth.
(55 pages) |
Can We Identify
How can we identify the Antichrist, the Man of
Sin, which must come before Jesus Christ can return for his
Bride, his Church? When then can John's prayer representing
the longings of the Church for centuries be answered?
(64 pages) |
Church Union and
the Antichrist
A concise treatment of the ecumenical movement and its
implications for all Christians today.
(20 pages) |
Creation Triumphs
Over Evolution
The claims and effects of Darwinian evolution are
discussed and contrasted with Biblical Creation. Molecular
evidence, fine-tuned parameters for life on earth, creative
day length, facts vs. theories.
(68 pages) |
Do We all Worship
The Same God?
A Cultural Revolution is creeping across our
country. We are in a fundamentally different religious
environment from what our grandparents or even our parents
encountered. No longer can we think and speak in terms of a
Christian society. This booklet examines the impact this
Cultural Revolution is having on Christians.
(39 pages) |
The Doctrine of
A scholarly treatise on the doctrine of the Trinity,
tracing its origin to ancient Egypt. Views of the early Church
Fathers on the subject examined and its development in church
councils. 78 Scripture passages examined.
(80 pages) |
Early Christian
View of War
And Military Service
A historical review of early Christian opposition to
military service and a scriptural discussion of pacifist
The Great
Ancient Wonder, Modern Mystery
Illustrated treatise of the history and
significance of this fascinating structure and its
corroboration of the plan of God. Diagrams of interior
passageways. The companion publication to the video by the
same name listed in our video section.
(37 pages) |
How to Study the
And have it Make Sense
Gives principles helpful to Bible study, with an
explanation of how to use a Strong’s Concordance and other
Bible study techniques.
(29 pages) |
I Will Come Again
Presents a scholarly approach to the subject of
our Lord’s return. Lists the current signs of Christ’s
return, including the reestablishment of Israel.
(79 pages) |
Israel: A Nation
of Miracles
Reviews the thrilling events
leading up to the establishment of Israel as a nation.
Discusses to whom the land belongs from God’s viewpoint, as
well as the ultimate destiny of Israel in God’s Plan for all
people: Christian, Arab and Jew.
(25 pages) |
The Israeli-Arab
Peace Process
And Bible Prophecy
An Open Letter from Christians to Christians
citing Biblical authority for supporting the Jews’ rights to
disputed land.
(56 pages) |
The Time to Favor
Zion Is Come
Proves from the Old Testament scriptures that
modern day Israel’s existence and prosperity are the
fulfillment of prophecies written thousands of years ago.
(31 pages) |
What is this
World Coming To?
Examines the outcome of present world troubles
with chapters on Daniel 12, why God permits evil, and the call
of the Church.
(39 pages) |
Where are the
Examines every Scripture in the Old and New Testaments
that contain the word "hell." Original Greek and
Hebrew definitions.
(105 pages) |
Why are You a
Discusses the purpose of the Christian Walk and
the preparation of the Christian for future service to the
world during Christ’s reign over the earth.
(28 pages) |