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Other Articles on the Antichrist
Man of Sin




Can We Identify

The Antichrist?


A Search Through History

Chapter 3

Using the clues left by the Apostles Paul and John, we will trace through history for the Antichrist/Man of Sin system with the searchlight of the Scriptures. Our time frame, of course, is the Christian Agebetween the Apostles’ day and the gathering of the dead and living in Christ to himself in the first resurrection at our Lord’s return.

The Apostle Paul said, The apostasy comes first. No Protestant will deny that in the first centuries of the Christian Age, there was a great falling away (apostasy). Paul again warned of this apostasy in 2 Timothy 4:3, 4. In later times (not the last times—the Greek literally means after the present time) some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons…Men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from meat… This description gives us further clues as to specific characteristics of the Man of Sin. There is, of course, only one church that for centuries prohibited its clergy to marry and forbade the eating of meat on Friday.

Jude was one of the last writers of the New Testament. By the time Jude wrote the book that bears his name, some of the apostles had already died in the Lord. False teachers had become influential. It was necessary for Jude to sound an alarm to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints (vs. 3). Jude warns that just as predicted, certain men crept in unawares and were teaching error (vss. 3,4). Then he devoted the rest of his epistle to warning against the dire consequences of their doctrine. Yes, just as Paul predicted in his first letter to Timothy (4:1-6), the apostasy would shortly follow.

Debut of the Man of Sin

The defection from pure doctrine that continued in the next few centuries was incredible. The system that this error developed was monstrous in both its claims and deeds. Indeed, very soon the Man of Sin made a debut in full splendor….

Pompous rituals and elaborate ceremonies replaced the simple preaching of the Gospel. Salvation was sought no longer through the blood of Christ alone—but from holy water, relics of saints, medals and amulets, the rosary and the intercession of Mary. Multitudes flocked to converted heathen temples to pray to and adore the very same idols which the Pagans had worshipped a short time before. The names of the statues were simply changed from those of Pagan gods and heroes to the names of Christian martyrs and saints. The Roman Emperor, who as Pontifex Maximus (Chief Religious Ruler) had been the head of all the Pagan priests, vacated his office in favor of the Bishop of Rome, the new Pontifex Maximus. Whereas the Roman emperors had claimed to possess the Keys of Janus and Cybele, the new supreme pontiffs, dressed in the same costume as their forerunners (the Pagan Roman emperors), claimed possession of the Keys of St. Peter and attempted to prove that the Apostle Peter had once been the Bishop and Pope of Rome—a claim completely unsubstantiated by history.

This Man of Sin growing out of the apostasy as foreseen by Paul, exalted himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God (NAS). Since the temple Paul refers to is not a literal building, but the Church of God, the self-exaltation of the Popes of Rome in the Church of God was extravagant beyond measure. Applying divine prerogatives, they claimed that every human being must be subject to their authority.

The System—Not Individuals

Not any one Pope was the Antichrist—much less is every Catholic or Pope a Man of Sin. The Man of Sin, the Antichrist, the Mystery of Iniquity, is the Papal system. It is not an individual.

Astounding as these false claims are, they deceived the whole Christian world during most of Papacy’s dark reign. Only a faithful few escaped their baneful influence and remained loyal to their true Lord and Head. And as already noted, the Greek prefix anti signifies not merely against or opposing, but also instead, in the place of. Thus, Antichrist is not simply an opponent of our Lord and his truth, but an impostor, a usurper of his position. Claiming to be the Vicar of Christ on earth and supreme Head of the Church, each Pope in turn, has applied the Messianic promises and titles of Scripture to himself. Even kings were required to kiss the Pope’s great toe, in supposed fulfillment of Psalm 2:12, Kiss the Son, lest he be angry. However, attributing the purest motives to the Popes, the Papacy would still be the Antichrist

If the development of such a pompous church defected from the original simplicity and purity of the apostolic church seems implausible, a glance at history will confirm our conclusions. The testimony of history presents a clear case of how the Papacy developed and claimed to be reigning in the place of Christ and his Kingdom on earth. (See Appendix A for an historic documentation of Antichrist’s incredible rise to power.)