Darwinism Taken
to Court January 1996
In 1859 Charles Darwin presented to the world
his origin of the species. He proposed that millions of years ago
life spontaneously formed in a rich "primordial soup" of
organic chemicals. Every form of life and every creature including
humans, he submitted, evolved from that simple origin of life.
What is forgotten is that Darwin acknowledged in the first edition
of his book that supernatural assistance from God was necessary to
drive biological evolution.
The intelligentsia of the world
was ready for him. The arts, sciences and academia had just
emerged from the mind-shackling superstitions of Dark Age
theology. Atheism and agnosticism were the heady wine of the
intellectuals in Darwin's day. Darwin's theory lent itself to a
worldview of reality that could be explained by natural law.
Within a few decades Darwin's theory of evolution was no longer
considered an hypothesis, but a scientific fact. The ironic twist
was that while his theory of evolution was not based on
scientific, empirical investigation, those who ruled the halls of
academia imperiously proclaimed it as fact.
Futile Speculations
The Apostle Paul's words (Romans
1:20-22) were again fulfilled:
"For since the creation of
the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine
nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has
been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they
knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks; but they
became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was
darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools…"(NAS)
As in Israel of old (Isaiah 2:8;
44:13-17; 46:5-7) those who cut down a tree, built an idol and
then worshipped it, Darwinism became just such a hand-crafted
idol. At its altar 99 percent of America's practicing scientists
pay homage. They dare not publicly do otherwise or they could be
purged and shunned by America's top universities. Academic freedom
is a farce in the sacred temples of Darwinism. For example, the
veteran writer Forrest M. Mimms was dismissed by the noted
periodical, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, simply because he did not believe
in Darwin's evolution…never mind that he never mentioned this
fact in his writings.
Great publishing houses like
MacMillan, Doubleday and McGraw-Hill, do not dare publish
anti-evolutionary works lest they rouse the ire of the scientific
establishment. After all, they publish tens of thousands of
scientific books annually for secondary and college level schools.
The Social Impact after 100 Years
The reign of Darwinian
naturalism in our leading universities for 130 years has eroded
the moral values of our society. The most influential
intellectuals in America and around the world are mostly
naturalists who believe that God only exists as an idea
subjectively in the minds of the religious. In the universities of
our Darwinian establishment, naturalism is the virtually
unquestioned assumption that underlies not only natural science,
but all intellectual pursuits. Darwinism is not only considered a
biological fact, it also greatly influences the behavioral
sciences and the humanities-a twist Darwin never intended. As
such, it must bear much of the responsibility for the social ills
of today.
The famous Harvard
paleontologist, George Gaylord Simpson, described the
"meaning of evolution" as follows: "Man is the
result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him
in mind." What would be your response if you were one of the
over 70 percent who agreed? Probably, There is no God; I can do my
own thing. The judges who make legal decisions, the journalists
who mold public opinion, the educators who shape our children's
thinking all were educated at these universities.
After 130 years of godless
Darwinism reigning in academia, every student is taught a
Darwinian worldview and life is considered cheap. Condoms are
distributed in high school cafeterias; homosexual relationships
are just as viable as heterosexual marriages; abortions are now a
method of birth control. Rape, drugs, murder, suicide are the norm
in the youth culture of today.
Enough is Enough
Finally, someone from within the
sacred precincts of academia said, Enough is enough! Phillip E.
Johnson, former law clerk at the Supreme Court and for 20 years a
law professor at the University of California at Berkeley, hauled
Darwinism off to the Court of Universal Truth. Although a
Christian, Johnson in his book, DARWIN ON TRIAL (1991), solely
used the natural disciplines of logic and science to prove that
Darwinian evolution was fraudulent in its claim to be
"scientific fact."
Johnson methodically tears away
at the fabric of Darwinism by addressing each of the following
problem areas of evolution: natural selection, the mutation
controversy, the lack of fossil evidence, the assumption that
"biological relationship means evolution relationship,"
the vertebrate sequence, molecular evolution and pre-biological
evolution. Johnson demands that the scientific community use the
rules of science, that is, proof by empirical results. He shows
that no empirical proof exists for any of Darwinism's main
In one of Johnson's refutations,
he identified what Darwin termed "variation" as what is
called mutation today. "Mutations are randomly occurring
changes which are nearly always harmful when they produce effects
in the organism large enough to be visible, but which may
occasionally slightly improve the organism's ability to survive
and reproduce." But the fact that scientists have been able
to breed fruitflies into every possible genotype only proves that
fruitflies can be caused to change through artificial selection
not "natural selection." Ultimately the end result of
all these genetic experiments is still a fruitfly—not a new
species. This experimentation does not at all make a case for
beneficial mutations being the engine behind natural selection.
Natural selection can be seen as
a tautology-a way of saying the same thing twice. "In this
formulation the theory predicts that the fittest organism will
produce the most offspring, and it defines the fittest organisms
as the ones which produce the most offspring." Johnson
comments on this tautology by stating, "When I want to know
how a fish became a man, I am not enlightened by being told that
the organisms that leave the most offspring are the ones that
leave the most offspring."
The fossil record is Darwin's
weakest link because of the lack of missing links. Additionally,
the age of the fossil is basically determined by the age of the
rock in which it is found; and the age of the rock is determined
by the age of fossils in the rock. Is this scientific reasoning?
Observes Johnson, "Most people are unaware that Darwin's most
formidable opponents were not clergymen, but fossil experts."
Although Biblical creationists
have been challenging the citadel of Darwinism for years,
Johnson's scientific case against evolution has been taken to the
university campuses aggressively and successfully challenging
professors to debate. In addition to DARWIN ON TRIAL, Johnson
published a new book (in 1995) challenging the devastating moral
impact of Darwinism on our culture. His goal is to
"legitimate the assertion of a theistic worldview in the
secular universities." Actually Johnson is a creationist who
allows for the Genesis creative days being any length of time-not
just 24 hours. Yet he is hailed as a hero by the fundamentalists
who use the 24-hour creative day as a test of Biblical
How Long is the Creative Day?
Chapters One and Two of Genesis
provide conclusive proof that the seven creative days are not each
24 hours. The Hebrew word "yom" is used exclusively in
Genesis to denote "day." After Genesis describes the
creation of the heavens and the earth including the account of the
seven creative days ("yom"), the very next verse
(Genesis 2:4) summarizes the entire work of the preceding verses:
"These are the generations [Hebrew, "history"] of
the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day
["yom"] that the Lord God made the heavens and
earth." "The day the Lord God made the heavens and
earth" must be longer than 24 hours because it includes the
work of all seven creative days. The "day" of Genesis
2:4 defined, in fact, the whole period of creation!
How long was the seventh day?
Genesis 2:1-3 reveals that God finished his creative work at the
beginning of the seventh day and rested. But the Genesis account
is clear that the seventh day did not end. In Hebrews Chapter Four
we are informed that Israel failed to enter into God's seventh day
rest during the time of Moses, Joshua and David. But Christians
now have the privilege of sharing in God's seventh day of Rest. In
the Gospel of John, Jesus gives an enlightening account of why
God's seventh day of rest lasts until the end of Christ's
1,000-year Kingdom on earth. If the seventh day is a long period
of time, the same would be uniformly true of each of the first six
So while evolution proposes
enormous periods of time to arrive at the complexity we see in
this world, we know the Bible does not, on the other hand, suggest
an unrealistically short week of 24-hour days to accomplish God's
creative work.
When the final verdict in the
trial of "Creation vs. Evolution" will be made
universally known, Darwin and all the most determined
evolutionists will be thankful for their wise and loving Judge-who
is also their Creator.