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Other Articles on 
War - Christian Responsibility In

Early Christian View of  War and Military Service

1-Military Conscription in Early Church History

2-Early Church Opposed to Military Service

3-Abandonment of Pacifist Principles

4-Pacifist Principles Retained by Minorities

5-Early Christian Witness

6-Scriptural References

Communique One

Communique Two

Communique Three

Communique Four





Number Four

Bible Students Coordinating Committee
For Religious Objectors 
And Selective Service Concerns


Communiqué #4 deals with points you should be aware of in answering the three important questions on Conscientious Objector Form 22.

Question 1.
Describe your beliefs, which are the reasons for your claiming Conscientious Objection to combatant military training and service or to all military training and service.

Question (1) asks which of your beliefs are the reasons for your being a Conscientious Objector. List your beliefs, for example:

1. Belief in God. State why you are required to obey His will above all others. Acts 5:29

2. Love for your fellow man. Give scriptures that show the sanctity of human life. This would involve God’s commands against the shedding of human blood and the New Testament concept of loving, not killing one’s enemy.

3. Belief in God’s future Kingdom as the only solution for all of mankind’s problems. No matter how noble man’s endeavors, only God’s kingdom will solve all humankind’s problems. Explain that by being a Consciences Objector you are being a witness for God’s Kingdom by living Kingdom principles now. John 18:36

4. List any other beliefs and how they affect your being a Conscientious Objector.

Follow this with a list of all the scriptures you can find that are opposed to killing. For example, following are a list of scriptures against killing:

Gen. 9:6; Matt. 5:39,44; 7:12; 22:37-40; Luke 6:27-33; Rom. 12:19; 13:8,10; 1 Cor. 4:12; 13:4-7; Gal. 5:14; 1 Thess. 5:15; 1 Pet. 2:21-23; 3:9; Rev. 13:10.

These Scriptures only prove that you are opposed to combatant service. If you are also opposed to noncombatant service and all military training, state this clearly and list all the reasons for your additional stand of being opposed to noncombatant service and all military training. For example:

1. Military manuals define noncombatant service as part of the total destructive power of the military.

2. Give scriptures and reasons why you believe taking a military oath is wrong. Rom. 6:16

3. Give scriptures and reasons why you might believe it is wrong to wear a military uniform. 2 Cor. 10: 3-5; Eph. 6:11-13; Reprint 5755

4. Any other reasons or scriptures you have that show your conscientious objection to noncombatant service.

Conclude with a general statement to the effect that you are thankful to be living in a country that permits civilian work in lieu of military service.

Question 2.
Describe how and when you acquired these beliefs.

This question seeks to find out how long ago and in what way you came to your present convictions against military service. If you were raised in a Bible Student home, emphasize your training since early childhood from Christian parents. Mention the important part Bible Student meetings, conventions, seminars and camps played and how certain elders contributed to this training. List truth literature, such as the writings of Pastor Russell. Mention Conscientious Objector meetings at conventions. Also mention the date of the letter you wrote to your committee and your ecclesia stating that you are a Conscientious Objector.

Question 3.
Explain what most clearly shows that your beliefs are deeply held. You may wish to include a description of how your beliefs affect your way of life.

You are expected to reach as far back in your life as possible to provide evidences of your sincerity and depth of your CO convictions. For example:

Perhaps you refused to go hunting with your friends because you felt it was wrong.

State your regular attendance at meetings and the number of times per week.

Point out how this demonstrates your depth of conviction.

Perhaps you never took ROTC in high school because, although it was popular, it violated your principles.

Attendance at various conventions, seminars and camps is important.

Did you limit your activities with your friends because you didn’t approve of their actions?

Did you refrain from smoking, drinking, swearing and drugs even though it made you a “fish out of water” with schoolmates?

Did your religious activities and beliefs prohibit some of the normal school socials and activities?

Did scruples against defense work limit your income or opportunities of employment during summer vacation or now that you are in full time employment?

How long has religious literature been a habitual part of your reading?

Did you ever write an essay in school on war or on conscientious objection?  Essays on other religious subjects are good.

How has your Conscientious Objector convictions affected your choice of a profession?

This will give you an idea of some of the possibilities for answering this question.

All 19 and 20 year-olds should take the necessary time to answer these three questions now, before the nine-day rush period, when you receive the Conscientious Objector’s Questionnaire. In fact it would be good for all 18-25 year-olds to answer these questions now and place them in your personal CO file.

 “Remember now your Creator in the days of thy youth."