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Three Great Zionist Men of Faith

God raised up three great Zionist men of faith whom He used at crucial points during Israel’s march to statehood.

1 – Benjamin Disraeli [1804-1881] and
he Berlin Congress of Nations [1878]

Benjamin Disraeli traced his roots to a Jewish family expelled from Spain in the 15th century. He became Britain’s Prime Minister in 1868, and a confidant and counselor of Queen Victoria. He presented her with the controlling shares in the Suez Canal Company, which had been financed by the Rothschilds. Due to his political acumen, Disraeli opened the British trade route to India and obtained a foothold in Egypt. He passed a bill in parliament conferring upon Queen Victoria the title of Empress of India. For his services, Disraeli was awarded the title of Earl of Beaconsfield.

From 1876 to 1878 Disraeli’s premiership was dominated by the Eastern Question. He fought for equal rights for Jews everywhere and believed in the return of the Jewish People to Palestine.

Although he was not the chairman of the Berlin Congress of Nations, Disraeli was the leading behind-the-scenes mover. Russia was making inroads on Turkey to get a seaport in attempt to reach the Mediterranean, which had always been its quest. The Western European powers got a little nervous, and called the Berlin Congress of Nations. They guaranteed Turkey security against Russia.

One of the unofficial under-the-table agreements was between Disraeli and the Prime Minister of Turkey. In return for Britain’s protection to Turkey against Russia, Disraeli wanted Jews to be able to return to their Promised Land, then under the Ottoman Empire rulership. For two centuries, Jews had not been allowed to get visas to stay in Israel for more than two weeks. They could not even buy a handful of the soil. But due to Lord Beaconsfield’s efforts, Jews were able to return to the Holy Land and buy land.

2 – Chaim Weizmann [1874-1952] and
The Balfour Declaration [1917]

Again, the Lord raised a giant on the scene–Chaim Weizmann, who became the first President of the State of Israel.

Weizmann was born in Motol, Russia and became active in the local Zionist group as a youth. He taught Hebrew and studied chemistry, becoming a renowned chemist. Weiszmann obtained his doctorate in chemistry from Freiburg University and attended his first Zionist Congress in 1898. In 1902 he became involved in a plan to establish the Hebrew University in Israel.

Weizmann was a very ardent Zionist. In 1903 he helped defeat Herzl’s Uganda Plan. Weizmann also secured a chemistry professorship at Manchester University where he continued his scientific research. Immediately, when WWI broke out, he began negotiating with government officials.

Turkey entered the war and the Ottoman Empire had dominion over the Holy Land since 1510. If the Central Powers–Germany, Turkey, and others–would lose that war, the Ottoman Empire, which included the Holy Land, would be up for grabs. Weizmann wanted to ensure that the Holy Land went to the Jewish people.

Weizmann strengthened his position by synthesizing Acetone, which was very vital at that time in the manufacturing of munitions. Great Britain’s natural source for Acetone had been cut off by a German U-boat blockade. So Weizmann synthesized Acetone in the laboratory. Production plants were developed to synthesized Acetone, and the war effort for Britain was saved.

Arthur James Balfour and Lloyd George had a tremendous respect for Weizmann as a great philosopher, scholar, and man of faith. By intensive diplomatic activity and lobbying, Weizmann negotiated the Balfour Declaration–Her Majesty’s government favoring a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Weizmann worked for three years behind the scenes to accomplish the Balfour Declaration. He engaged in 2,000 conversations with British statesmen and politicians for three years preceding his victory. That averages about three interviews a day! He wrote 1,000 letters in the same three year period before he arrived at the Balfour Declaration. This was done while World War II was raging in Europe.

3 – Clark Clifford [1907-1998]
and the U.N. Partition Plan [1948]

The third giant was Clark Clifford, Assistant to White House Naval Aide, 1945-46; Special Counsel to President Truman, 1946-50. Clifford played a significant role as an advocate of extending U.S. diplomatic recognition to the new state of Israel.

The U.N. passed a U.N. Partition Plan. The United States voted for it. Israel was guaranteed a free independent state for the first time since her polity fell in A.D. 70. Even before A.D. 70, Israel had not been a free nation, being under the Roman Empire. After the U.N. Partition Plan was passed, there were second thoughts in the countries represented at the U.N.

Even Truman, under the pressure of Secretary of State Marshall, had second thoughts of going through with the U.N. Partition Plan because of the Arab pressure. Great Britain and France were putting tremendous pressure on Truman to back away from carrying out the U.N. Partition Plan.

Truman was waffling back and forth. He sent a memorandum to Secretary of State Marshall and to Security Advisor Clifford to have a meeting with him in an office at a certain time on a certain date. Each was to present his own position as to whether they should go ahead with the U.N. Partition Plan. Truman called on Clark Clifford to state his position first.

Clark Clifford said, "Mr. President, there must be a State of Israel. The greatest proof that there has to be a State of Israel is the Bible." Clifford proceeded to quote scripture after scripture after scripture to prove that Israel, the Jewish people, had the right to a homeland, and they would be returned to their homeland at the end of days.

Without even listening to Secretary of State General Marshall, Truman said, "I’m convinced. We’ll carry on with the Partition Plan and an independent state."

Marshall got up and said, "Mr. President, if you proceed with that position, in the next election I will vote against you," and he left the room.