Church Union
and the Antichrist Preface
Worldwide church union is a
subject about which people may be emotional, indifferent,
cautious, or curious. Therefore, any single treatment of the issue
cannot satisfy the needs of all readers. The subject is complex
and, if treated exhaustively, would fill a large volume — not a
section such as this. It is, therefore, important to state from
the outset that this section is merely an outline — a summary.
Its purpose is to present to the honest truth-seeker the findings
of a century of Bible study on this subject as gleaned, collected,
and recognized as valid by Bible students all over the world.
Additionally, it is the purpose of this section to relate the
subject of church union to God's plans and purposes over a large
span of time. This sort of broad spectrum view often leads to
clearer thinking and investigation on any subject.
The views presented herein are
not the views of a single author, but the views of hundreds of
consecrated Christians whose lives have been totally devoted to
the harmonization of the Word of God — both Old and New
Testaments. This being the case, it is obvious that this section
cannot be the most detailed study available. It does, however,
reflect detailed study, and it is the desire of those distributing
it that any reader may feel free to contact the distributors for
further details. If the reader seeks truth, he must be willing to
pursue truth in full honesty of heart — and then it shall be
given to him even as it is written: "Ask, and it shall be
given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened
unto you."

Chapter 1
Why did God create the earth and
mankind? What is God doing in the earth today? What is the Gospel?
What is the Church? What is the ultimate purpose of the Church?
Are all outside the Church forever lost? What about the Jew?
These questions and their
answers lay the necessary groundwork for an examination of the
subject of church union. Without comprehending God's overall plan
for His creation, the study of a subject like the ecumenical
movement certainly can bear little fruit. Because of this we
devote our first chapter to a consideration of the Gospel — the
"good news" of the Bible.
The title of this chapter,
"The Other Half of the Gospel," suggests that what we
regularly hear preached as the Gospel is incomplete — and this is
indeed the case! An examination of the Scriptural definition of
the Gospel will prove that the Gospel is actually "good
news" in a fuller sense than most Christians have ever
In Galatians 3:8 the Apostle
Paul makes an interesting statement. He claims that the Gospel was
preached to Abraham! This is a concept not generally appreciated
— that the Gospel can be found in the Old Testament! Abraham and
his descendants believed God and His promises, and the belief at
the core of traditional Judaism is based upon the Gospel which God
preached to Abraham. What is this belief? It is basically this:
Messiah would come and bless everyone on earth through the agency
of Abraham's children (or seed). This blessing would include those
who had died by resurrecting them from the dead. (It was because
of his faith in the resurrection that Abraham was willing to offer
his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice to God.)
Paul summed up all of this
belief in the words spoken to Abraham, "in thee shall all
nations be blessed." Remember, Paul called this very promise
the Gospel! It is a beautiful Gospel, too! It promises that all
mankind would be blessed. (See the original promise in Genesis
Christianity generally does not
define the Gospel in quite the same manner. The teaching of
Christendom regarding the Gospel has been basically this: Faithful
believers in Christ will go to heaven when they die.
Messiah will bless all on earth through
Abraham's seed and will even raise those who have died to
enjoy the blessings. |
Faithful Christians go to heaven after
death. |
On the surface Judaism seems
better, doesn't it? After all, it includes all men in the
blessing, whereas Christendom excludes all — except Christians!
But our examination of the matter is not complete. As we look into
it more, remember that we cannot immediately judge either of these
definitions of the Gospel as being wrong. Judaism got its belief
from God's own prophets; we would indeed be presumptuous to ignore
that testimony! And Jesus, who was a Jew, never disputed the
Gospel as preached to Abraham. But we must acknowledge that the
Bible also teaches that faithful Christians will go to heaven.
These two versions of the Gospel are not inharmonious. By
accepting them both, we learn the full Gospel.
We have found that the Gospel is
summarized in God's promise to Abraham that "In thy seed
shall all nations be blessed." What does this mean? Notice
that it involves two distinct and separate parts:
1. Abraham's seed
2. All nations of earth
Abraham's seed is not totally as
Abraham might have expected, for the Apostle informs us in
Galatians 3:29 that "If ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's
seed and heirs according to the promise." This is a key to
our understanding. It says that faithful Christians are counted by
God as being Abraham's seed or children. It also says that because
of this they become "heirs" according to the
"promise." What promise? The promise was that the seed
would bless everyone else. Now we are at the crux of the matter!
If true Christians are the seed, we see God's eventual purpose for
them — the blessing of all the nations of the earth, and the
resurrecting of all those who have died, just as Abraham expected,
so that they too could be blessed. Now our chart is harmonious.
Those who go to heaven will bless those here on earth!
Messiah will bless all on earth through
Abraham's seed and will even raise those who have died to
enjoy the blessings. |
Faithful Christians go to heaven after
death. |
But this is harmonious only if
we retain the "other half of the Gospel" — the part
Judaism believes. And that is that not only will the
"seed" be saved, but so will the rest of mankind! This
is actually saying that there are two salvations. First, the seed
(true Christians) are saved; and secondly, they (the seed) save
and bless everyone else! Yes, the complete Gospel is really GOOD
The New Testament informs us
that there will be two kinds of resurrection, one in heaven for
the true seed (the "first resurrection") and one on
earth for all the rest of mankind. This is the whole Gospel.
Christendom and Judaism have both been incomplete and wrong in
themselves. Each had one half of the Gospel! But now we see that
those who will go to heaven in the first resurrection will not go
to float on clouds and play harps, but rather to participate with
Christ in the rulership of his kingdom which will bless all the
families here on earth. Christ's kingdom will have two parts:
heavenly and earthly. If this were not so, how could the Lord have
taught the disciples to pray "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be
done in earth"? (Matt. 6:10) Or how could the angels have
predicted "peace on earth, goodwill toward men"? (Luke
Paul also mentions these two
salvations in 1 Timothy 4:19 where he says "we trust in the
living God who is the Savior of all men, specially of those that
believe." It is clear that Paul still had in mind the seed
and all men as being the two parts of the Gospel because he says
that salvation is:
1. for all men and
2. specially for those that believe.
The "special"
salvation is, of course, the salvation of the "first
resurrection" (the heavenly resurrection — Revelation 20:6).
It is the salvation of true Christians, those whom God recognizes
as His own true Church — "the seed of Abraham."
Understanding this matter of the
two salvations, earthly and heavenly (or the two parts to the
Gospel), answers many questions about certain scriptures. For
instance, Matthew 11:11 tells us what a great man John the Baptist
was. Yet in the same verse we have our Lord's own words that John
will not be a part of the heavenly resurrection! John instead will
be a part of all the nations of the earth who will be raised and
blessed right here on the earth by "the seed" — the
Church raised to heavenly glory.
So then, in short, the Gospel is
the beautiful promise that all men will be resurrected and be
given an opportunity to have a perfect, everlasting life on the
earth. The exception to this will be those who faithfully serve
the Lord during this present life; they will live in heaven as
spirit beings, and their job will be to bless the race of men on
earth. The true Gospel is a combination of the basic expectations
of both Jews and Christians.
We began this chapter with a
list of seven questions basic to an understanding of God's plan
(and hence to an understanding of details of prophecy such as the
ecumenical movement). To close this chapter, we will ask the same
seven questions — this time with concise answers to cement our
understanding and memory before we proceed to our principal topic.
1. Why did God create the
earth and mankind?
He created because He has love as one of His primary
attributes, and true love must give. Therefore he formed the earth
"to be inhabited" (Isaiah 45:18) by perfect human beings
who would love and serve Him freely and to whom He would freely
give blessing and life. This creation was "not in vain."
2. What is God doing in the
earth today?
He is doing several things so that his purpose as stated above
will be accomplished — so that His word will "not return
unto Him void but it shall accomplish that which He pleases, and
it shall prosper in the thing whereunto He sent it." (Isaiah
55:11) The Lord is permitting evil to have full sway in the earth
so that man will be able fully to see its results. (Ecclesiastes
1:13; 3:10) Therefore, in the Kingdom reign of righteousness,
mankind will be able to make a free and intelligent choice between
good and evil after having experienced both. But God is doing
more. He is choosing "a people for His name" (Acts
15:14), which we will discuss in a coming question.
3. What is the Gospel?
As we have just seen, the Gospel is God's good news to man that
His original plan has not failed — that man will be made alive
and receive God's blessings eternally on a perfected earth. This
is all to be done by a promised "seed."
4. & 5. What is the
Church? and
What is the ultimate purpose for the Church?
The true Church of the Bible is that promised seed just
mentioned, and its ultimate purpose is, by God's grace, to
participate in God's own work of accomplishing His original design
for the earth and its inhabitants. One of the main things that God
is doing in the earth today is choosing that Church — one member
here, one there. As Acts 15:14 declares, God, having found too few
Jews faithful at the first advent to constitute this Church, is
"visiting the Gentiles" also — not to bless or save
them all now, but to take out from their midst "a people for
His name." This "people for His name" will be those
who have been called of God and who have faithfully suffered with
Christ. The Greek word for church (ekklesia) literally means
"a calling out." These called out ones are the true
Church. They will receive the first or heavenly resurrection. Then
they will be "priests of God and of Christ and shall reign
with Him a thousand years." (Revelation 20:6) This reigning
will be for the purpose of blessing all the nations of the earth.
What a prospect! This is the very reason that James says God is
taking a people for His name: that "after this . . . the
residue of men might seek after the Lord." (Acts 15:13-18)
6. Are all outside the Church
forever lost?
Of course not! The absurdity of this position should now be
clear to us all! The whole purpose of the Church is to bless all
those who are outside of the Church! God isn't even dealing with
the world in general now. He is merely choosing out from among
them those who will become members of the Church. After the Church
is completely chosen and she becomes the bride of Christ at his
second advent, then "the Spirit (of Christ) and the bride
(the Church) say Come; and whosoever will, let him take the water
of life freely." (Revelation 22:17)
7. What about the Jew?
Israel as a nation has forever lost the opportunity of becoming
the Church (Romans 11:25); but Israel too shall be saved. (Romans
11:26) It is through the natural seed of Abraham, the Jew, that
God purposes to give His New Covenant to mankind. (Jeremiah
31:31-34) Israel is now reestablished as a nation. God put her
there. She will be the nation from whom the blessings will flow
worldwide, for it is written that "Many nations shall come
and say; Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to
the house of the God of Jacob, and He will teach us of His ways,
and we will walk in His paths, for the law shall go forth of Zion,
and the word of the Lord form Jerusalem." (Micah 4:2-4)
Likewise it is said, "Yea, many people and strong nations
shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem and to pray
before the Lord. Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it
shall come to pass that ten men shall take hold (out of all
languages of the nations), even shall take hold of the skirt of
him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard
that God is with you." (Zechariah 8:22, 23)
A Note Before Continuing:
It is probably that many reading
this section consider themselves "New Testament
Christians." Hence it has probably been noticed that we are
using Old Testament texts as liberally as New Testament texts. It
is, therefore, timely to point out from the New Testament that the
Old Testament is as valid to us as the New, and that anyone
rejecting its testimony cannot hope to understand what the Lord is
doing. The Old Testament is not yet fulfilled entirely, and many
of its prophecies are finding their fulfillment before our eyes
First, note the following New
Testament texts which commend the study of the
"Scriptures" remembering that the only Scriptures then
in existence were the books of the Old Testament prophets: Acts
17:2,3; Acts 17:10-13; Acts 18:24-28; Rom. 1:1,2; Rom. 16:25-27;
II Tim. 3:14-17; II Pet. 3:15-18; Matt. 22:28-30; Gal. 3:8; Gal.
4:28-31; I Tim. 5:18; James 2:8; James 4:5; I Pet. 2:5,6.
Additionally, we have the strong
testimony of Paul (Rom. 15:4) that the Old Testament is for
"our learning." And Peter twice supports this view. In I
Peter 1:10-12 he explains that the prophets did not minister to
themselves, but to us, Christians. In II Peter 1:16-21 he points
out that the Old Testament prophecies are a "more sure"
authority to us than was Peter's own experience on the mount of
transfiguration! And he says we should listen to them "until
the day dawn" — that is, they are valuable to us even up to
the time of the Lord's second coming. If, therefore, we accept the
authority of the Apostles (the New Testament), we cannot reject
the Old Testament's testimony and authority.