Other Articles on
Free Grace
Calvin Vs Wesley
Part II
The Elect New
The election of the Christian does not imply
that the non-elect shall receive injury. On the contrary, it
implies the blessing of the non-elect in due time. Neither Justice
nor Love could make any objection to the granting of a special
favor to some that was not granted to others, even if the favored
ones were not intended to be channels of blessing to the less
favored or unfavored. This is the meaning of the word grace or
favor. It implies the doing of something not specially called for
or demanded by Justice.
"Grace," and "favor," are
repeatedly used throughout the Scriptures in respect to the elect
class of this Gospel age. "By grace are ye saved," and
similar Scriptures, impress upon us that there was no obligation
on the part of the Almighty to recover any of Adam’s race from
the death sentence, nor to give to any the opportunity of life
eternal through a redemption. Much more there was no obligation on
God’s part to any of his creatures in respect to the high
calling to membership in the Bride of Christ. It is all of divine
favor, "grace on grace," or favor added to favor.
"Elect according to
foreknowledge of God the Father."
The Apostle Peter assures us that we, as a
class, were "elect according to the
foreknowledge of God the Father." He proceeds to say,
"through sanctification of the spirit unto obedience and
sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ." (1 Pet. 1:2) This
signifies that God foreknew the New Creation as a class. God
foreknew his intention to justify them by faith,
through the blood of Christ. God foreknew that enough such to
complete this class would be obedient, and attain to
sanctification through the truth.
Nothing in any Scripture implies a divine
foreknowledge of the individuals composing the elect class,
except in respect to the Head of the Church. We are told
that God foreknew Jesus as his elect one. We are not to be
understood as limiting the Lord’s ability to identify the
individuals who would compose the elect class. But God has not
declared himself as intending to exercise such power.
God ordained that Christ should be the world’s
Redeemer, and that his reward should be exaltation as the first
member, Head, Lord, Chief of the New Creation. God ordained also
that a certain specific number should be chosen from amongst men
to be his joint-heirs in the Kingdom, participants with Christ. We
have every reason to believe that the definite, fixed number of
the elect is that several times stated in Revelation (7:4; 14:1)
– 144,000 "redeemed from amongst men."
"The King’s Own"
The election or foreordination from before the
foundation of the world is that there should be such a company
selected. This election is illustrated by the foreordination of a
certain troop of soldiers in the British army known as "The
King’s Own." This troop is composed of men of large stature
and special development, the various particulars of height,
weight, etc., being determined in advance, and the number
constituting the troop definitely fixed, before the present
members of it were born.
As the royal decree ordained these physical
requirements and the number which should constitute that troop, so
the royal decree of the Creator fixed and limited the number who
should constitute the New Creation of God, and defined not their
physical measurements, but their moral qualities and heart
measurements. As it was not necessary to foreordain the names of
those who should constitute "The King’s Own," neither
is it necessary that our Creator should foreordain the names or
the individuals acceptable to him as New Creatures in Christ,
under the measurements and limitations which he sets forth.
"Whom he did foreknow,
he also did predestinate."
The remainder of the passage clarifies the
whole matter before our minds: "Whom he did foreknow, he also
did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son
[that is, to be copies of his Son], that he might be the
first-born among many brethren." Rom. 8:29
Such a predestination is different indeed from
the one generally understood by those who have championed the
doctrine of election in the past. According to their conception
and teaching the passage should read, Whom he did foreknow, them
he also did predestinate to escape eternal torment and experience
eternal blessings in glory. How different such a view from the
reasonable and proper one presented in the language of Scripture!
God predestinated that his Only Begotten One
should be the Head of this New Creation. He determined long before
he called any of us that none should be members of the New
Creation except as they should become copies of his Son. How
beautiful, how reasonable is the Scriptural doctrine of election!
Who could question the Wisdom, the Justice, or the Love of such an
election with such limitations as to character-likeness to Jesus,
and for such a great work as God hath designed? To be joint-heirs
with Christ in the blessing of all the families of the earth.
"Called Ones
According to His Purpose"
- Rom. 8:28-30 -
The preceding verses (22,23) state God’s
purpose in calling the New Creation. They are called to receive a
great blessing, and also to minister a blessing to others; namely,
the groaning creation, who are travailing in pain together,
waiting for the manifestation of these elect sons of God of the
New Creation (Vss. 21,22) The Apostle then proceeds to show that
everything is working favorably to this class which God is calling
to the New Creation; that this is the meaning of present
disappointments, trials, vexations, oppositions of the world, the
flesh and the Adversary. These experiences are designed to work in
us the peaceable fruits of righteousness, and to work out for us
the "far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory" to
which we have been called, and to which we properly aspire. The
Apostle traces with us the Lord’s providences in connection with
these called ones for whom all things are working favorably. We
are not to think of our call except as in connection with, and
under, our Elder Brother. None could precede him, for only by
following in his footsteps can we hope to become sharers of his
God’s predestinated that these brethren of
Christ must all be copies of their Elder Brother, if they would be
sharers in the New Creation This would leave us hopeless as
respects any member of the human family attaining to that glory,
if our Lord had not elsewhere shown us his provision for us
through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The
weaknesses of the flesh, which we inherit and cannot fully
control, are all covered by the merit of the Redeemer’s
sacrifice. By his "grace sufficient" covering our
unintentional blemishes, the God can thus accept us according to
his predestination, if he finds us to be such copies in heart, in
intention, in will, of our Lord Jesus,
"If God Be For Us"
Having determined the selection of
a certain class for cooperation in this plan, God is favoring us
in that he has revealed to us the terms and conditions, justifying
and calling us with this heavenly calling. God is for us! He
wishes us to be of this elect class. He has made every arrangement
necessary whereby we may attain a position in it.
Do we sometimes feel that, although the Lord is
for us, Satan and sin and our own weaknesses through heredity are
all against us, seeking to ensnare and stumble us? Let us reflect
that, the Almighty God being on our side, none of these
oppositions need cause us fear or trepidation. God is abundantly
able to carry us through them all. Let us look back and note his
favor toward us while we were yet sinners, in providing the
redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
Let us reflect that if he would do all this for
us as sinners, he would do much more for us now we have become his
children. Much more would God favor us and do for us now that we
have accepted his Son and have made a consecration, laying our
little all upon the altar. We cannot think how he could do more
than was represented in the gift of his Son. We may be sure that
he who changes not still loves us, is still for us, and will use
his power to cause all things to operate for our highest spiritual
welfare and for our ultimate attainment of a place in the New
Creation, if we abide in him in faith, in love, and in
"In him he has freely
given us all things"
Let us be assured that in giving us his Son and
in thus opening the way for us to attain to his call to the New
Creation, the Lord has made provision in Christ for every
necessity of ours which could possibly arise. Christ has great
love for us, else he would not have redeemed us. His every dealing
has been loving and we should not allow anything to separate us
from that love. If tribulations come, we should permit them only
to drive us nearer the Lord as the one who alone can succor us. If
distress or persecution or famine or destitution or any peril
should come upon us, should we on account of fear of these cease
our love for the Lord, renounce his name and his cause and follow
no longer in his footsteps, choosing rather some easier course in
life? Nay, it is by these very experiences that we are to be
developed as conquerors.
How could we be marked as victors if there were
nothing to overcome? If the whole way were smooth and without an
unfavorable grade? We have been made recipients of God’s mercies
and blessings. Now he tests us, to see to what extent we are
worthy to abide in his love and in his favors. He is willing that
we should abide in them, and has made every necessary provision,
yet he will not coerce our wills.
I am persuaded, I have confidence, that we are
determined to permit nothing to separate us from the love of God
manifested in Christ, neither fear of death nor love of life. None
of God’s other creatures will intercept or turn aside God’s
favor from us, neither angels nor principalities nor powers at
present created or ever to be created. In all these things we are
more than victors merely. We are adopted as sons of God on the
divine plane, through him who loved us.
"Making Our Calling
and Election Sure"
- 2 Pet. 1:10,11 -
"Brethren, give diligence to make your
calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall
never fall; [the things previously specified, namely, giving
diligence, adding to your faith virtue and knowledge, temperance,
patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, love, which things being
in us and abounding, we shall be neither barren-idle-not
unfruitful;] for so an entrance shall be administered unto you
abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ."
In this election the important steps belong to
(1) The predetermination to have such a New
(2) The invitation to some to develop the
necessary character;
(3) The arrangement of matters so that the
invited ones might be able to attain an acceptable condition in
conformity to the call.
On the other hand, important steps must also be
taken by those who become the elect:
(1) It is for the called ones, for whom all
these preparations and arrangements have been made, to accept
the call-making a full consecration.
(2) They must become so imbued with the
spirit of their calling and so appreciative of their blessings
that they will with zeal conform to the conditions and
limitations attaching thereto.
These conditions and limitations are
heart-likeness to God’s dear Son. Analyzing this likeness
more particularly, it means, as the Apostle Peter points out, that
we should have the fruits of the spirit of holiness. God is holy,
and the elect are to have his spirit, his disposition of love for
righteousness and opposition to iniquity. The Apostle in the above
scripture shows the various elements of the holy Spirit of God. He
points out the fact that we do not attain to God’s perfect
likeness (the perfection of love) at the beginning of our course.
Rather, that it is the mark or standard which
indicates the end of the course. All these elements of character
are really parts of love. Meekness, gentleness, brotherly
kindness, godliness, are all elements of love. |